Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Week 11: Develop simple web applications for managing information and other resources using available tools

Our purpose in that week was to learn about Web Information Systems and followings are definitions for this topic:  What is a Web Information System (WIS)? An information system using WWW as part of the deployment and implementation technology. 
Deployment: Web as communication mechanism Implementation: Web as distributed computing platform
Different Types of WIS: Informational, Disseminate information (static or dynamic), Share information (among visitors or WISs), Transactional, Conduct transactional business (B2C, C2C, B2B…) ,Perform tasks (simple, complex and collaborative)

After that we had case study: Instruction for case study is following: 
Case study – Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Search on the internet the definition of Learning Management Systems (LMS) and give three examples of LMS.
Read the handout 10.1.1: Moodle Helps a Business School Overcome Administrative Challenges.
Describe the situation faced in the case study.
Identify what are the main problems in the case study.
Explain how Moodle the learning management system can solve these problems.

Week 10: Web Applications

In order to make our mind more knowledgeable in WWW, we remembered the most important things for WWW, they are: Web Page: A document containing text and graphics created with HTML that is part of a group of hypertext documents or resources that can be accessed through a web browser on the internet.
Types of web pages: static web page and dynamic web page Web Site:
A collection of related web pages found at a single address. A URL serves as the top-level address of a Web site and points to that Web site's home page. That page serves as a reference point, containing pointers to additional HTML pages or links to other Web sites.
As we go deeper to the topic, we began to le3arn bout Web applications; A web application is an application that is accessed over a network such as the Internet or an intranet. And mainly concentrate to Web 2.0. As we knew, Web 2.0 applications are: Dynamic interactive web sites, JavaScript is used extensively in the browser, Typically with client / server communication patterns, Famous for E-Commerce applications, Web applications are generally:, Easy to use (end-user focused), Familiar: frequent use of standard controls, You don’t need a manual to use them!, Platform and machine independent, Easy to update (hit refresh!)

Week 9: Trends in the Internet and WWW

For the beginning of the class, we had ice-breaking session. In this Ice- breaking session, our teacher asked about the difference between the Internet and World Wide Web. We answered turn by turn to the question and try to give our views based on our previous knowledge. After gathering the Information, our teacher made conclusion. Namely, she gathered all of the opinions to the on point.
After that, it was turn to talk about the past, current and future patterns of the internet and WWW.

It is a fact in no uncertain terms that majority of us are used to send message to each other, however we never think about how our messages are traveling and going to the receiver.
This was time for us to find out about this question. And class explained us in easy steps, they are followings: Step 1: Using an e-mail program, users create and send a message. Step 2: E-mail program contacts software on user service provider's outgoing mail server.  Step 3: Software on the outgoing mail server determines the best route for the data and sends the message which travels along Internet routers to the recipient's incoming mail server.  Step 4: When recipients uses an email program to check for email messages, the messages transfers from the incoming mail server to the recipient’s computer.  With these 4 steps, we can be aware of structure of messaging to each others.

In the seseion of this week we learned about Web 2.0. According to the definition, Web 2.0 is Web 2.0 is the popular term for advances Internet Technology and applications including blogs, wikis, Really simple Syndication (RSS) and social bookmarking. Web 2.0 is a perceived transition of the web to web applications.  Web 2.0 is the next generation of technology solutions where interactive content is the norm. Web 2.0 is about the maturity of the Web and businesses that are thriving online

Week 8. Apply relational database design approach and implement it using Microsoft Access or other DBMS

In this week, we basically focus on practices on database. Namely, we try to learn more about database practically as we use the internet in order to fulfill  tasks which are concerned with creating queries for database, relating two tables, creating tables, crating reports and so on. Our principal objective was to learn more about  database and use our knowledge practically, when we are working with database. In order to make more stronger foundation for our knowledge, we had lab assignment which were conducted during the class.

After finding about most of the thing about database, we had Lab Assignment Lab assignment was individually and we were asked to finish the task which were given on the paper within time limit. According7 to my point if view it was not difficult for us, because we were fully aware of Microsoft Access and database beforehand. That is why, all of us finished the lab assignment on time without any problems.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Week 7: Apply relational database design approach and implement it using Microsoft Access or other DBMS

DATABASE. It was turn to learn about database, according to the definition which we have seen in that class Database is a collection of interrelated data stored together with controlled redundancy to serve one or more applications in an optimal way. The data are stored in such a way that they are independent of the programs used by the people for accessing the data
Database Management System is a software system for manipulating databases.
Than, we learn about Database management Systems:

Define, create and organise a database: The DBMS establishes the logical relationships among different data elements in a database and also defines schemas and subschemas using the DDL.
Input data: It performs the function of entering the data into the database through an input device (like data screen, or voice activated system) with the help of the user.
Process data: It performs the function of manipulation and processing of the data stored in the database using the DML.
Maintain data integrity and security: It allows limited access of the database to authorised users to maintain data integrity and security.
Query database: It provides information to the decision makers that they need to make important decisions. This information is provided by querying the database using SQL

Next, we learned about how to make database using Microsoft access: Access is the database-management program, part of the Microsoft Office suite, that enables you to maintain  databases.Its structure makes the information easy to select, sort, display, and print in a variety of formats.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Week 6. Information System

In his week also  we were on the way of learning about Information Systems. Moreover, we mainly focus on methodologies of Information System. According to the definition which were given to us, In formation System methodology: IS Development Methodologies contain models and reflect particular perspectives of ‘reality’ based on a set of philosophical paradigms. A methodology should tell you ‘what’ steps to take and ‘how’ to perform those steps but most importantly the reasons ‘why’ those steps should be taken, in that particular order. ISD methodologies as a recommended collection of philosophies, phases, procedures, rules, techniques, tools, documentation, management and training for developers of information systems ISD methodologies is a collection of procedures, techniques, tools and documentation aids which will help the systems developers in their efforts to implement a new information system
In this class, we also had activity which is connected eith information System methodology. namely, 
Search and reflect on the various methodology definitions
Formulate your own definition of what a methodology is. Discuss and compare your definition in class. 

Then, we began to learn types of methodologies. It can be illustrated with some examples as following: the first one is Jackson System Devolopment. JSD are about features of the system to be built. JSD were widely used in the 1970's and 1980's in Great Britain and in Sweden. JSD is a method of system development that covers the software life cycle either directly or, by providing a framework into which more specialized techniques can fit. JSD is a technical method. Other technical methods include Structured Analysis and Design and Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design. The purpose of technical methods is to give developer assistance in thinking about the structure of software development problem and its solution, what functions and processes the system must perform, what data it must remember, the events that trigger the running of the processes, and so on. 
As we learned types of methodologies,  we are needed to do CAse Study ob based knowledge
We can see instruction below: 

AIU is Malaysian based organization with an international presence started in 1996 by Malaysian corporate entrepreneur and philanthropist Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary.
AIU needs an information system to manage operations of the university especially in managing the student registration, hostel registration,  preparation of Examination result and etc.
As a newly hired system analyst and system developer, you need to develop the system for AIU and report to Vice Chancellor of the University. In your report, you should explain about:
a)What kind of Information System you want to use/develop
b)What methodology you choose to develop the system and Why.
In that class we did presentation in a group, we were 3 in a group and it was pleasure to find more information which is concerned with study. As we try to do our best, we tried to compite with other groups and tried to get as high score as possible.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Week 5. Information System.

It was the continuous of the previous topic. namely, we were going to learn about Information System more deeply this week as week.
For the beginning of the class, we learned about types and functions of the Information System.
In this blog, I would like to give types of  information systems levels with their definitions.
       We also learned about 3levels of IS. They are third level is TPS, second levels are MIS, DSS, and the first level is ESS

 Now, i would like to give defination of TPS. TPS captures and processes data generated perform the activities associated with transaction processing, which include the followingRecording a business activity such as a student’s registration, a customer’s order, an employee’s time-card or a client’s payment. Confirming an action or triggering a response, such as printing a student’s schedule, sending a thank-you note to a customer, generating an employee’s paycheck or issuing a receipt to a client. Maintaining data, which involves adding new data, changing existing data, or removing unwanted data. 

   The next one is Decision Support System. it is defined as An organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases and devices used to support problem-specific decision making. DSS is used when problem is complex. DSS are used to support unstructured or semi-structured problems that   require human judgment. It offers the potential to generate higher profits, lower costs and better products and services. DSS Often based on spreadsheet software

    The next one is Management Information System, MIS is an integrated collection of people, procedures, databases and devices that provides managers and decision makers with information to help achieve organizational goals. Roles: It provides the right information to the right person in the right format at the right time. Purpose: to help an organization achieve its goal by proving managers with insight into the regular operations of the organization so that they can control, organize, and plan more effectively.

Week 4. Information systems

For the beginning of the class, we had ice-breaking session, that was very interesting as we attended in group in this class. for the beginning of the class, we began to talk about what is system in general. According to the information which were given to us, system is  a set of elements or components, set of Components working together to achieve a common set of objectives, systems have inputs, processing mechanism, outputs and feedback. 
According to the definition, information system is a combination of hardware, software, infrastructure and trained personnel organized to facilitate planning, control, coordination and decision making in an organization.

After that we had discussion about what kind of role does the Information system play in our live and what is the connection with Information System? That discussion, made our knowledge in this area more stronger.
After that we talked about basic components of the Information System. they include hardware, software, database, telecommunication, internet, network and the last two are procedures and people. people play role in managing, running, maintaining and programming in the system.

In the next class, we were given task. Namely, using the Internet, we should search for information on the use of information system in any of organization. Additionally, we have to discuss on how does the organization use technology to accomplish its goals. In order to this project, we spent a lot of efforts and at the end. we decided to do research on library called "The library of Florida University.
Following is the picture of the University 
That was a real experience to search the library