For the beginning of the class, we had ice-breaking session. In this Ice- breaking session, our teacher asked about the difference between the Internet and World Wide Web. We answered turn by turn to the question and try to give our views based on our previous knowledge. After gathering the Information, our teacher made conclusion. Namely, she gathered all of the opinions to the on point.
After that, it was turn to talk about the past, current and future patterns of the internet and WWW.
It is a fact in no uncertain terms that majority of us are used to send message to each other, however we never think about how our messages are traveling and going to the receiver.
This was time for us to find out about this question. And class explained us in easy steps, they are followings: Step 1: Using an e-mail program, users create and send a message. Step 2: E-mail program contacts software on user service provider's outgoing mail server. Step 3: Software on the outgoing mail server determines the best route for the data and sends the message which travels along Internet routers to the recipient's incoming mail server. Step 4: When recipients uses an email program to check for email messages, the messages transfers from the incoming mail server to the recipient’s computer. With these 4 steps, we can be aware of structure of messaging to each others.
In the seseion of this week we learned about Web 2.0. According to the definition, Web 2.0 is Web 2.0 is the popular term for advances Internet Technology and applications including blogs, wikis, Really simple Syndication (RSS) and social bookmarking. Web 2.0 is a perceived transition of the web to web applications. Web 2.0 is the next generation of technology solutions where interactive content is the norm. Web 2.0 is about the maturity of the Web and businesses that are thriving online
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