Wednesday 11 April 2012

Week 10: Web Applications

In order to make our mind more knowledgeable in WWW, we remembered the most important things for WWW, they are: Web Page: A document containing text and graphics created with HTML that is part of a group of hypertext documents or resources that can be accessed through a web browser on the internet.
Types of web pages: static web page and dynamic web page Web Site:
A collection of related web pages found at a single address. A URL serves as the top-level address of a Web site and points to that Web site's home page. That page serves as a reference point, containing pointers to additional HTML pages or links to other Web sites.
As we go deeper to the topic, we began to le3arn bout Web applications; A web application is an application that is accessed over a network such as the Internet or an intranet. And mainly concentrate to Web 2.0. As we knew, Web 2.0 applications are: Dynamic interactive web sites, JavaScript is used extensively in the browser, Typically with client / server communication patterns, Famous for E-Commerce applications, Web applications are generally:, Easy to use (end-user focused), Familiar: frequent use of standard controls, You don’t need a manual to use them!, Platform and machine independent, Easy to update (hit refresh!)

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